Thursday, October 7, 2010

Seattle drivers worse than those in Spokane - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
According to the ’s fifth annual “America’s Best Driverws Report,” Seattle drivers averages 8.3 years between collisions. Seattle has the nation’s 134th-best drivers among the 200 cities surveyed by theAllstatre report. Drivers in Sioux S.D., are the nation’s best drivers, with 13.5 years betweenj collisions. Drivers in Washington, D.C., are the worst, averagintg 5.1 years between according to the report. Four yearss ago, Seattle drivers averaged eight yearsbetween collisions. The best drivers in the stater arein Spokane, where they averagwe 10.6 years between collisions, or 34th-best in the U.S. Spokaned is followed by Vancouver, Wash., with 9.
6 years betweej collisions, or 77th-best in the U.S. Next are Bellevuwe (8.6 years between collisions; U.S. rank of Seattle, and Tacoma (7.9 yearsz between collisions; U.S. rank of 150). According to Allstate, auto crashexs in general have fallen in the past few yearzs but crash fatalities still averagearound 40,000 per

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