Monday, September 27, 2010

EPA approves California greenhouse gas rules - Nashville Business Journal:
The approval is a reversal of a 2005 decision striking downthe state’s Cleajn Air Act waiver request. The EPA waiverr means the state can begin implementing a 2004 law that requirezs automakers to increase the fuel efficiency of cars by 40 to 35.5 miles per gallon, over the next sevebn years. “This waiver is consistent with the Clean Air Actas it’a been used for the last 40 yearxs and supports the prerogatives of the 13 states and the District of Columbia who have opted to folloq California’s lead,” EPA administrator Lisa Jackson said in a news “More importantly, this decision reinforces the historicc agreement on nationwide emissions standards developed by a broaed coalition of industry, government and environmentapl stakeholders earlier this year.
” President Obama in May announcede a national policy to improvde fuel efficiency in new cars and

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