Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Valencia Garden property bought by University of Tampa - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

UT’s statement partly solved the air of myster surrounding the June 3 closure of the iconivc Agliano family establishment frequentedby Tampa’s The college said that a not identified due to a confidentiality bought the city block bordered by Kennedy Boulevard on the south, Brevard Avenure on the east, North A Stree t on the north and Nortjh Boulevard on the west. The transaction closed June 3. UT acquirede about 57,760 square feet of the eastern portion of the which totalsabout 130,00p square feet. “Over time, title to the trac t purchased by the company is expected to revert to the Universituof Tampa.
Development of this tractf of land will be of help in addressing academic and otherr space needs both in the near term and said amedia release. UT declined to providee sale details or to comment on what it intendsa to do withthe property. “Agliano family members have been good neighbors and friendse formany years, and we are happy to reacb an agreement with them on the UT said.

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